Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just about time

It is TIME to drink myself retarded and flirt with Larkin.
It is TIME to leave this hell hole where i slave away
It is TIME to stop writing TIME.

Anywho for anyone who is interested, here's what the pilots wings look like.

On The Wings of Rage, Chronicles of the Second Invasion: Book One, is the title i am using at the moment.....
and read and edited 39 pages last night....... whew!

I was thinking today, I could write under the pseudonym Countir Clok Wyse, or just Counter Clock Wise
which is really close to Cam Clark White,
oh, wait, not really....

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

And We Laugh Becaues It's Monday...

So I called Larkin last night, and she seemed really happy to hear from me. She's still not incredibly comfortable talking to me on the phone so she does the whole, I guess I'll see you Wednesday, or before. Uhh. umm... And we laugh, because it's Monday, and she says, well ya know, If anything cool comes up... and I can hear the smile on her face.
Because, she's having one of those feelings when your chest clenches, and you can't seem to think of something to say, but you know you want to, while in the back of your mind your yelling at yourself "You're smarter than this, and acting like a dumbass, say something, SAY SOMETHING!!!"
To which your traitorous mouth responds, "uhhh."
And you both laugh, breaking the silence, but the feeling is still there, when all you want to do is reach out and break the silence with your mouth on hers, to hold her close...
and fuck her brains out.
But that comes in the milisecond after the desire to kiss her.
I know I've felt it, and I know I've felt it for her, when I first met her.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Some people don't know the meaning of fun.
Others, however, have all the fun.
I mean shit, you people need to lighten up, it's ok, every once in a while, to get so pissed off that you want to kill the world and start it over from your own offspring, but if this happens every day, there's a problem.
On the other hand, some people tend to take the fun that this asshats don't have, and use it for their own ill-gotten gains. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
whoops, was that out loud?

Perscription Insanity: The Life of an Addict

I need some help with a title name. Some names:
Incandescent Flame
Nuclear Rage
Raizing Fury
Obsidian Drake
Atlas Tripped
Tripping Atlas
Darkness Creeps
The Edge of Vision
Red Out
Endings and Beginnings
Hadrian: Dark One
Wave Break
Rage Rising
Crimson Genocide
Silent Sussurus
Darkness Rising
The Setting Sun
The Death of Peace
The Memory of Peace
Hadrian's Wall Fails
Hadrian's Walls
Shit Hits the Fan
I am Shit, And I fly. What is this whirling thing? I wonder if it will be my friend...
Event Horizon(taken, I know)
Siege of Unending Doom
Dogshit on the Doorstep
Safety Nets are for Pussies.
Caught With Your Pants Down: Book One of 'It's Really Not A Sheep, She's Just Wearing A Coat!'
Ok, Im stopping now before I hurt myself.
Chronicles of the Second Invasion: Book One

Fuck I don't know. I'm tired of calling it Hadrian, and Im hastening toward the deadline.
Im hoping I will get accepted by june, and payed by july or something, but realistically, several people should look at it as soon as i get an Agent, wich will be sometime in January.

I don't know. I feel down today, whether it's from the rain, not doing jack or shit saturday and sunday except finishing up Episode III, or seeing my dream job just over the wall, but sitting here waiting for ACME to send me my ninja climbing gear, which should be here by friday(IE when I'm moving my computer down to the apartment and can actually work on the as-yet-unnamed novel instead of feeling bad for not spending time with my father when I'm living with him)... Or the fact that I'm kinda bustin' out when my father still needs my company, or the fact that I won't be able to get the moving truck until next friday, or maybe that I have to go to my grandfather's house tonight instead of going somewhere to sleep or chill.
Now, going to my grandfather's house isn't one of those things I dread, It's just that I don't feel up to it today.
Maybe a bit of it has to do with the fact that I couldn't remember Larkin's phone number, and she didn't call me when I didn't call her.

perhaps I'm sitting at the top of the roller coaster, waiting for the back to catch up so we will go over the hill and get going. This has nothing to do with hills and Valleys, it's just waiting for the ride to start, waiting for the fun to begin, and being so tired of waiting that enduring another second is like a lifetime.
Where will I go? what will the future hold? I've been over scenario after scenario, and now I'm weary of planning and waiting to see what reality is like.
It's like I'm waking up, but the fog is still clearing.

I could get fired for this.

Having nothing to do today(or at least feeling like doing nothing of import) and forbidden to work on my story while at work, I have rendered the Lightsaber with the blade out, and with a new style hilt that I like a whole lot more.

I like this job, but if i get the $10,000 in pocket, and have some money saved up, oh, $500, I could live off of that for seven months, looking for a job in the seventh, if, of course, the other novels haven't sold yet...
...I'll be livin it up in the house writing 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, and getting two novels finished, and writing a few short stories to suppliment income.
Oh, a writer's life for me.
Now if i happen to get married, of course, this won't be enough, but by then, i hope my novels will be selling for more, and I will still be getting royalties checks every six months or so...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I don't know

It seems as if something is happening right now. unseen forces are culminating, and the pull of that energy is what i am aware of.
Then comes myself.
What is this pull of energy?
what does it feel like......forboding? anxiety? does it have to do with anything in my life right now, or is it something that affects me indirectly?
All guys have anxiety, but people with empathy and a bit of psychic ability tend to have it more.
On another front, energy manipulation is something I've been doing as long as I can remember, so I know what it feels like when its being manipulated.
SO here's the kicker...
is this feeling me merely worrying about things that are out of my hands, or is it something that I need to take care of?
This is the same kind of feeling I get when i haven't done my homework, and it's due in six hours.
Did she try to make time for me this weekend, and I figuratively threw it in her face?
I believe that I do things subconsiously all the time. I think leaving my phone was one of these things, because I NEVER leave my phone at work. I always leave my flash drive, but hey, that wouldn't have been a problem. I specifically grabbed the flash drive and busted out before i checked for my phone. I didn't realize it was gone until I was already at the apartment, thus too late.
All this worrying and axiety could be for nothing you know. I could be worrying about something that she completely forgot about. she could be sitting there drinking or doing something and not remember that I was supposed to call until tuesday. I don't know.
I don't know...


and now I bow to Jas. Hook, when i wonder if all this wondering is Bad Form, and if this is, in fact, the worst kind of Form.
On the other hand, Im going to bed.


So I was supposed to call Larkin tonight, but I left my phone at work.
Well, I don't know what she wanted when she told me, Sober, on Wednesday, to call her today, but I guess I'll find out wednesday.
Hey, its not like she's never "stood me up" before, so there.
Not that this was meant to be petty, but I think it might set things in perspective.
I mean if she wants this to go anywhere, then she needs to know that plans need to stick, or at least have a reason, explained either then or later, that they don't.
Plus, I did try to figure out her number for a few minutes.
I was going to tell her that I'm broke enough to miss pint night this week as it is, but hey, six of one, right?

Friday, August 26, 2005

Watch Out, I'm Having A Quantum Dork Moment.

That said, I have figured out what MY lightsaber would be like.
The handle would be enclosed in an open basket hilt made of refined cortosis ore, reminiscent of a saber, the blade would be purple, and it would be turned on by a lever depressed by holding the handle. Here's the pic, rendered and modeled.

Yeah, Putting myself in star wars and talking about it on the internet...
Kill me now.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hello Don't You Know Me...

...I'm the dirt beneath your feet.
What I was getting at last night when I was attacked by Ravenous Moisture-Stealing Dehydrating Cats Landing On My Head And Claiming To Be My Long Lost Brothers, was this.
Several people were making fun of Larkin to me last night before she got there. It actually made me feel bad that people had such a bad oppinion of her, while I still wanted her. I told several people who asked that it was over...
but something deep inside me knew I was lying.
Karen made me feel like a little kid being disciplined when she was talking about Larkin, but more importantly I knew that I would rather have Karen anytime.
She has a sense of reality around her that I don't encounter that often.
She also is prettier, more fun to talk to, and wilder.
Its almost as if I'm being pulled down by Larkin, while Karen seems to lift me up.
Now I doubt I'd be able to date her any time soon, because I think she just recently got a BF, but there's always the chance, ya see.
I was really not wanting to go to Shakespear in the park with Larkin on friday, and it was wednesday.
She wasn't talking, she had this aloof personality thing going on, she was being annoying and REALLY DRUNK. So I've excused myself from the table and sitting with Karen and her friends. I tell Karen about this date, and how I really don't want to go, and she gets all chipper and says "if it doesn't work out with her, you can take me on Saturday."
Like a dumbass I didn't get her number *slaps face.
But I was proud of Larkin last night. She only drank one pitcher, and walked home before it got dark, sober.
oooohhh, whatthehell?


So I saw Larkin tonight.
I hadn't called her since she basically stood me up on Saturday.
She acted like nothing was wrong, nothing was amiss.
I think she was wrong in that assumption.
She did pussyfoot around until it was "O.K." to ask what I did this weekend.
FUck this shit.
Tonight I was wondering, while drinking, about whether people actually have abilities such as 'Charm' and 'Empathy'.
I however did come to the conclusion that if nobody was special, then everyone is.
Therefore, all the shit I do was validated, and the subconsious was appeased.
Fuckin' shit.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

...Sunbeams Ain't Nothin' Like Me.

So I'm reading Episode 3 right now.
It makes enough of the movie so far better, but movies shouldn't rely on things written in books by the same name to make them good.
Movies should stand alone, or at least be good to begin with, and have the novel make them better. Such is not the case with anything George Lucas has been a part of, unless Spielberg is in on it with him.
I watched Red Dawn last night with Charlie Sheen and Patrick Swayze. Not a bad movie. It put me in the mindset to play Freedom Fighters again, which, by the way, is a GREAT game...
and to start writing the resistance(the latter half of the second book).
Not gonna happen though, not until this one is finished.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get into the second book before I release first one, adding in a few loose ends for the other two as I go along.

I have decided to get a Journalism Degree, and be done with college for a while. Journalism with a minor in Creative Writing, and perhaps communications, but here's a funny story about the communications school at UK.
I was affiliated with a fraternity for two semesters.
One semester, I was in charge of taking down a tent for a lady and her family for service hours. We had set the tent up with no problems, gotten drunk and gone away. I called two of my Pledge brothers to come back and help me take down the tent and load up the stuff. They told me they would be there in a few minutes.
Ten minutes go by, and I say fuckit, I might be able to get all this shit in my car after all...
and I take down the tent and the tables and the coolers and whatnot. With a little creative seat management, It all fits.
I'm driving away when my two pledge brothers run out in front of my car needing help.
Quickly I jump out to find that they have taken down the wrong tent.
By the way, we are all stone sober at this point.
Two horse cops, Two bike cops, and two stadium cops are there, listening to my pledge brother's account of what's happened, while the owner of the tent, a middle-aged short woman, is throwing a shitstorm.
"I'm a college professor, I don't have to deal with these hooligans trying to steal my tent!"
I explain to the police that this is all a misunderstanding, I have the correct tent in my car, and we'll set their tent back up for them.
The officers are like, it's fine, we see you have this under control, sorry for the mix-up, we'll take care of the rest.
The next semester, I stride into Com 201, interpersonal relations, and sit down.
A few minutes later, in walks the middle aged woman from the tent fiasco.
I can only stand to hear this woman talk for a few moments before she asks us if we have any questions.
I stand up and say, "Have you had any more fits with people taking down the wrong tents at tailgating?"
"I thought I recognized you..."
She goads me into a duel, saying would you like to tell the whole class about this?"
he, he, he. She doesn't know me, she thinks Ill back down.
"Last semester I pledged ATO. Yadda yadda yadda, My pledge brothers had accidentally taken down Professor (whatshername's) tent. She proceeds to throw a fit to the police, sure that they are intent on stealing her tent. It took me fifteen minutes to calm her down to the point where she realized it was a mistake, and it took the police another ten to calm her into not pressing charges. How's that for Interpersonal Communications?"
I then proceeded to walk out.
The next class period, I walk by the room, because I have already changed my schedule, and see she has maybe five people left in the class, out of forty original.
Tenure only works if people take your classes, bitch.
So today's moral is...
Mind your Interpersonal Relationships if you expect your authority to stick when you try to teach.

I'm sorry, that may have been the wrong thing to do, but I get my jollies out of poking my finger in the eye of authority, especially if I have dirt on them.

Kinda like the time my mom yelled at me for quoting something from Star Wars, saying, and I quote, "Why don't you fucking quote Franklin sometime instead of this bullshit you pick up in Kid's novels?"
To which I reply, on the fly, "Profanity is the result of a weak mind trying to express itself forcibly... Benjamin Franklin."
It was PRICELESS. I don't think I could write a better set up without making it sound trite and fake.
She did, however get red in the face and say, walking away, "That's my son."
It was one of those moments in time, when all things lead to a head. Remembering the only Franklin quote I know, having her specifically ask for Franklin, and Cursing in the process.
ADD at it's BEST!!

Or even better, the time she had me sitting on the bed lecturing me very, umm, violently, and asked me "Who do you think you are, talking to me that way?"
and in my traitor's mind the only thought coursing through my head was, shit, I could have said it then.
and to my ultimate surprise and glee, she continues the sentence, TV static snow coursing through her eyes(just an impression I got then, don't ask), with "Who do you think you ARE?"
I strike a pose, sitting there on the bed, looking at "danger" over her shoulder and say, "I'm BATMAN!"
She was speechless for a full 30 seconds, which, to anyone who knows my mom, is an interminably LONG time, then slaps the SHIT out of me.
But, like every beating I ever got from my parents, I knew I deserved it, and knew that it was WELL worth it.

"I'm sorry, there's a lot of things going on in my life and they all culminated when your leg fell off."
-Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigalo

Why the mob does what they do...

I have now officially edited the book to page 101, where i knew i needed to work on it. I also cleared up a little bit of shit by putting an introduction scene at the beginning explaining, through jeffs eyes, why the mob does what they do to Hadri and his friends.
Good stuff, and I'm happy. 248 pages left.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Childhood and Innocence.

I don't really know how to explain it, but the tale of Peter Pan is strange to me.
Mostly because of the actual neuroses of the characters of Peter Pan and Jas. Hook. You don't understand the constant battle Hook goes through in his mind of what is good and bad form, you don't understand that Peter Pan is arrogant, forgetful, and the kind of kid that manifests the bad parts of alseimer's when you watch the Disney version. If you tell Peter he is wrong, then bad things happen, if you don't play along, bad things happen, because Peter Pan is crazy. he has no memory, he kills Hook, and then the next time Wendy sees him he doesn't remember his arch enemy. He also doesn't remember Tinker Bell.
It almost seems to me to be a perversion of a childhood classic, but then, truthfully, Disney did that for a huge portion of the population, including me.
It's a story that brings to mind the lost world of childhood and innocence.
I'd like to re-write it into something that is a bit more concise, but then again, i have enough projects right now that I am not working on as it is.


So I watched kavorkian Scarf a minute ago, and all is well with the world.
I was outside a few minutes later, smoking, when I saw an interesting little thing on the retaining wall. It was a small spiral, grayish-brown in color with a few pieces of darker things in it.
"Hmmm," I said. "What are you? Are you a string? Did you used to be a worm... Oh, you're bird shit."
Then I thought to myself, How many times have I met someone, had this same thought process, Hmm, who are you? are you cool? did you used to be a stripper? oh, your dogshit."


Bleak Landscape

Everything seems bleak.
My monetary situation is iffy at best, my girl situation might as well be non-existant, I have no plans for my life, I have no direction, and I'm overweight. It seems as if everything I do to change these things just falls flat two feet in front of me.
Every once in a while I just wish something would work out.
Just for one moment I wish I could transcend the normal level of my life, take a glance at the workings of the world, and then tailor myself to what fits it best.
I don't want this shitty cobbled-together view on the world, I want to KNOW. I want my life to stop being a constant struggle. Just for a moment, have everything be Ok, on a course for where it's supposed to be going. I'm tired of beating my life into submission, I'm tired of having all my works laid to waste and be for nought. Just once I wish it all would fall into place so I'm not pushing a freight train along the wooden slats of a track, only to be constantly mocked and cajoled by the mere presence of the metal runners that are decidedly NOT under the wheels.
It's like I'm still walking up the Down escalator. As a child I did it because it was different and enjoyable, as an adult I'm doing it because I never learned that the Up escalator is easier.
Its as if I've been on this Down Escalator for so long, working so hard that I'm almost there, and to start over and get on the Up Escalator would be too much work.

I don't know how to read into the minds of the people around me. I don't know what they want of me, and I don't know what to do to get what I want from them.
I am the far edge of society, buffeted about in a windstorm the likes of the real world has never seen, hanging on tightly to one sinew of muscle that is all that keeps me from being swept away. I can see the body of people moving along, protected from the storm, paying no mind to my predicament, and caring not one whit if I slip into oblivion beacause my grip is failing. They are sound on the ground, and I'm suspended by wind over a precipice.

I'm blind, deaf, dumb and mute, but i know the world around me is beautiful and fine, because I've heard it and seen it before.
I've tasted the sweet ambrosia, but am denied it like an alcoholic.
i have tasted it, known it is good, but cannot have it again, for fear that I will slip once more into happiness, but that way leads to oblivion.

I'm too smart to be the Hero, and not smart enough to be the Villain. I'm in that treacherous middle ground that leaves me with no purpose but to stand around and watch the story unfold, not even important enough to bear mentioning as the words flow by.

"Well, now that has an effect on the landscape." -Mal Reynolds

Giant Size Turtle no Jutsu!!!!

I was confused, but I'm better now.
No freelance editors are getting MY money.
Any editor they want to throw at me at the publishing company will be fine with me.
So on a tallies page, Im laggin. 253 pages, 101 days till deadline.
anywho, I am now hopeful and inspired.

Monday, August 22, 2005


My writing career is at an end!!!!!! Looking at all the expenses neccesary to get the damn thing out there, there is absolutely no hope in making money worth a damn.

Like i posted before, the most I can hope for is $10,000. And the agent gets 10-15% of that. BUT, the other main thing, is editor's fees. I'm going to have to pay out something like $6500 to get the thing edited professionally!
Why on earth would anyone decide to do something like this, except for the fucking love of doing it!?

Now i get to calm down.
BUT THE CONTRACT LAWYER'S FEE, TO MAKE SURE I don't get my ass reamed will be high as well...
A cat landed on my head with brick shoes.

anyway, the calming down thing. Ahem. Ok.
if i spend all the shite necessary, Ill walk away with $2000, hopefully, and then hope and pray it does well before it goes to paperback, so I'll get a major kickback for the paperback edition, and hope the movie rights come my way, while Im slaving over the second and third ones, Hoping against Hope that they don't go too high and I still get decent monetary recompense for the sequels.

The Only Good Cat...

...Is a dead one.
This philosophy springs from several points.
1) My dad hates cats, and little kids always hate the things dad hates...
2) I'm allergic to them
3) They are the dirtiest animals out there. They kill for pleasure, a good portion of the population is allergic to their dander, their claws are dirty too, from which you get cat scratch fever, and, AND, if you don't clean up their shit it can KILL YOU.

Now there is another reason for me to hate cats, as of Saturday night. I didn't go to sleep until something like 6:00 am. When I finally do, I am awakened by a cat landing on my head.
Now, I knew it was a cat, because its shape was distinct on the outside of the tent. so i push it away and go back to sleep.
Whump! A cat lands on my head again. I push it off and roll over. A few minutes later the cat starts playing with my fingers, which are above my head, like a piano. I roll back over.
A little miffed at this point, and hurt that the powers that be have allowed the same cat to land on my head three times while all I'm trying to do is sleep, I punch the damn thing off the outside of the tent.
The problem is, I'm awake at this point. With three hours of sleep, i felt like Ren from Ren And Stimpy: In The Army Now, where Ren is marching all night, gets back to the barracks and says, "now, all i need are 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep."
Two seconds later revelry goes off.
He's in a daze, looks to the bed, laughs maniacally and chops up the bed with an axe from Hammer Space.
So outside the tent, the cat is walking away from the tent, casting hateful looks my way.
I barked at it and chased it around a corner before I headed in for breakfast.

I am not a morning person, and there was a large rock under me all night.
So naturally I hate cats.


I think I love her.
Not the kind of burning love that has so much passion writ on its face that it's like a latticework of veins in marble, but the kind of unconditional love that transcends the physical.
I care about her. I want good things for her, and I want to be a bulwark against bad things for her.
there is passion, but when i sit down at 5:45 in the morning, when the world is asleep and the air is clean and unfilitered through millions of bodies and polluted by millions of cars, and when all the anxiety of my life is slumbering soundly in that hidden stronghold, passion takes second place.
Passion has no place in the morning.
When the gates of morning open, it's love that rules the hour.
Passion, to me at least, seems to be dirty, polluted and purple like a darkening bruise. Mayhaps i'm confusing the feeling with lust, but tell me true, how far away are they when it deals with the opposite sex?
No, this feeling I have for her is love. the kind of love that i have for the girl i based Chelsea Robinson, the MC's "destined" if you will(if i am the god of this universe, then my will is destiny) love interest and wife, off of so many years ago.
So many years ago that the only aspect of this girl that is left in the character is her name.
Chelsea Payne.
The love I beared, and still bear, for Chelsea Payne is the kind of love that allows you to step back and say, "You're the perfect girl for me, but Chad is the perfect guy for you." It also allows you to sit back and watch them get married five years later, and say, "I was right not to interfere."
This is not a rationalization of past inadequacies, it is an affirmation of the feeling I got when i looked at them together all those years ago.
The love that I bear Larkin is selfless, though i hope it doesn't have to be selfless to the point that she feels that there is someone out there who wants good things to happen to her, but can't remember or figure out who it is.
Which reminds me of the little short story I started a while back about something similar...

Now I do have passion for Larkin. Every single time I kiss her, its as if i ride a wave of something that takes me to her lips, and my body responds to her touch no matter how much alcohol I've consumed, or how many things have deadened it's synapses.
I've already described how her touch feels in a previous post entitled "Ooohhh...".

I have surprisingly little anxiety over her right now. I know that something is supposed to happen, and I'm willing to wait for it.

Another Day Another Blow Off

Larkin stood me up again. Big fucking surprise. I don't enjoy getting played with. If someone doesn't have enough respect for me to cancel whatever it is that we have planned, then we need to stop planning things.

Respect me or reap the consequences.

There is a problem. I'm not sure if she just doesn't have the guts to say 'No, I don't want to hang out with you any more' or if she doesn't have enough self-esteem to pick up the phone when i call her again.
and that's one of the major problems. Half the time, she just doesn't answer her phone. I could understand it if she was engaged or married, and chillin with me on the side, but she's not.
Hell, I don't know. She may have a boyfriend and just not pick up her phone when she's with him... but then again that's pure speculation.
She does work all the time...
but every now and again when we're supposed to do something she'll answer her phone AT work.
FuCk. I just wish I knew what was going on, so that I could be going on.
If she really likes me and wants to do stuff, then I don't want to just throw that in the wind, because I've wanted her for a while.
Yet, if she just doesn't have the self-confidence to tell me to leave her alone(which, and I'm as non-biased as i can be, doesn't seem to be the case, due to her repeated offers of barhopping, or something like it, and the fact that she kisses me as much as i've kissed her, and because of the way she talks to me on the phone), I want to know that, so as to leave her alone and not be a bother.
Now, this waiting thing, where every time i see her we make plans(and I of course make back up plans) has no effect on me whatsoever. If I meet a girl that I want to date, then I will, If there is something I'd rather do with the Guys than with Larkin, I will(though so far it hasn't been my choice but to do stuff with the guys).
I have never sat next to the phone waiting for her to call me back all night.
It's hard for me to get bored.
I don't know.
In conclusion, I need a clue.
Throw me a frickin' bone here. --Dr. Evil
A little help here? I'm drownin'. --Kacey Jones

Matt posted something on his blog that took me aback in several ways. One was due to the once-so-constantly-a-part-of-me-feeling-has-now-taken-a-back-seat deal.
He was talking about wanting female companionship, physical contact, and to be desired by a woman.
the other reson it took me aback was the fact that, I have gotten physical contact in the last couple of weeks, and the last time that happened was six months before.
I have a tendency to date a girl for a couple of months, and then have a resulting dry spell twice as long as we dated.
Anyway, the reason i was taken aback is that maybe i keep holding on to the hope that Larkin will step up to the plate in my favor because of the physical contact.
Yet to tell you the truth, if she decides to step up to the plate not in my favor, im cool, i just want to know whats going on.
but there is something about companionship, physical contact, and being desired by a woman that i need to say.
All in good time.
Except that I like to get ahead of myself. I look at my friends and see three of them married. I think to myself, I'm 23. I should be out of school, I should be on my way to getting married, and I should be in shape.
The problem is, at this point I should be, but I haven't done the work necessary to get to this point.
oh well, im starting now.
well, at least one of them. I'm working out with a new martial arts instructor, been walking two miles a day, and running at least one every three days, and actually lifted a couple of times in the last week. Tuesday and Friday.

new thread. I guess its that I've had a crush on Larkin for a long time, had the opportunity to actually do something about it lately, and had the inklings of her telling me she had a crush on me when we first met, and that we would make a great couple...
It almost seems too good to be true, except that it's not that good. It hasn't worked out but thrice in two months, and that's starting to get old.

But have I told you about her eyes?
Her pupils are solar eclipses, complete with a burning golden corona biting deep into a shining sapphire sky.
to tell you the truth, her eyes where what drew me in the first time, and every time i've seen them since, i feel that same pull. Her eyes are something out of a poorly written Dungeons and Dragons Elven adventure, except that they are real, and that makes them Awesome.

"He said a lot of things that made me think it was his car."
"Like what?"
"That's my fuckin car." --Wonder Boys

Saturday, August 20, 2005

are there really Treehugging Bisexual Pagan Chicks Dancing Naked Around Bonfires Deep In The Forest? YES, YES, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, YES!

So i've got a buisy day ahead of me.
Before I leave here I need to watch Naruto... Though the next one is still going to be a filler arc.
Oh well.
Then I'm going into Lexington to pick up alex at the woodland arts fair, and going to a pagan martial arts thing.
I have no idea, except that there will be martial arts workshops and bonfires, and its put on by my friend Souljourn and her Daughter Phoenix(who would be hot as hell if she wasn't such a stoner)
anyway, then Im taking alex to work at 4:00, maybe going back to the pagan thing for a while, and then Im supposed to go bar-hopping with Larkin. We'll see how that works out.
not too good of a history when it comes to hooking up with her.
Hell I don't know, maybe she's playing hard to get.

On another note that doesn't have me wanting to pull out hair that's non-existant...
The second season is six episodes in, and ALL of them have been better than the first season.
You need the first season to get the characters, to know what's going on, and get the proper development.
other than that, I really don't want to watch the first season again, the second is too good.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Callsigns and the things they sprout from

I have decided that Hadri's Callsign is no longer Slipstream. It just doesn't have a ring to it, and most callsigns are things you wish people would forget about.
He was originally tagged Slipstream because of a maneuver he pulled on the best pilot in the galaxy, but then it changed to him getting "shot down" three times by the same person for the same maneuver.

Now, however, It's much better.
The Colonel has a black and white cat named Princess that hangs around the Quasar hanger all the time. Only three or so people, including the Colonel, like the cat.
Princess will bite you if you pet her too long, will hiss at you if you try to get her off a crate or part you need, all kinds of things that cats do that is bitchy.
Now one day, Hadri is coming in from a run, sees a flash of white out of the corner of his eye just as he's a foot off the ground. He gets out of the cockpit to see the crew chief and his people all standing around with various expressions: mirth, sickliness, awe.
Hadri follows their eyes to see the front half of the Colonel's cat sticking out from under his forward landing strut.
Hilarity ensues.
they try to replace the cat, which of course, doesn't work. The Colonel isn't as upset about it as everyone thought he would be, so there is now a much better 'Hangar cat' who's name is Theodore Henry Earl Cat.
T.H.E cat, or Foxtrot, or something like that.
Anywho, Hadri walks up to his fighter and notices a small black and white blotch on his fuselage, that resolves to be his first kill marker, the cat, and stenciled below the cockpit is LT Hadrian "Princess" Malan.
This will prove to be hilarious through the rest of the story.
PS the pic is desktop resolution if anybody wants it. It's the Rites of Blood Cover, but without words. THe reason i put it up is because it's the best pic of the fighters i have. (photoshop, Autodesk Inventor).
And yes, that is the Quasar symbol behind the fighters, except that it is white in the middle, sky blue around the edges and black in between. (the second novel is bloody as hell, so the red color shift works really well, methinks.

As Easy As Legos

Its amazing how easy it is to do this overhaul editing. I'm actually surprised and delighted. So as long as I have my work with me this will be no problem whatsoever...
until i get to the later part of the story that has some fairly large holes in it...
Oh well.

Revised Tallies

Ok, target number=400
Current number=348
page in which the Overhaul Editing Phase needed to start=88
page on which i stopped=95
revised tallies are as follows:
105 days until deadline
253 pages to Overhaul Edit
52 or more pages to write for target number

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Speeding Turtle no Jutsu!!!!

105 days till deadline...
308 pages to edit.
I.B. Slakin

*clears his hands from his sleeves.
The turtle is the patron animal of writers. Today, we see the turtle fill the role he is destined to fill in the inevitable and proverbial race against the hare.
Today, my people, we see the turtle don his racing shorts, his favorite bandana, and his weapon of choice, the pencil(keyboard, same thing). Today, we know, because it has been prophecied that the tortoise beats the hare by our beloved St. John of Shell Island(John of Patmos stole his first book before it was published and changed the name).
Enough of this folly, on to the MEAT(not turtle meat)
I am now ready to start this thing. Today marks the first day of the rest of this process.
I am psyched, I am pumped, and I am sure that Jennifer Love Hewitt is one of the hottest women alive.
anyway, no more Bitin'; I'm Writin'
Here we go...
diving deep into the pile of papers like Scrooge McDuck in his moneybin.

If You Was A Panda You Would Know, That's The Ugliest Panda Bitch There Is.

Trey is in town right now, and he has brought his nasty ass girlfriend who alex and I coined as the UPB or Ugly Panda Bitch.
She is physically abusive, nasty in the ways girls hate guys being, IE, burping loudly, fartin', all that kinda shit. she has no grace, and basically is horrible for him.
Ive said all i will on the matter to Trey himself, but he's taken with her, so i throw my hands up and try to stay away from her while hangin' with trey.
Now, If the UPB needed to be taken somewhere, or Walked half a mile to her place, even though i don't like her, i would still walk her there if she was too drunk and walking through a bad part of town at night with Trey gone somewhere for an errand that would take him like an hour or so.
I guess that's the difference between me and Austin.
He doesn't like the girl I've been dating, and let her walk home last night to drunk to operate a phone, through a bad section of campus at dusk, while i was with my dad for a couple of hours.
Now, granted, Larkin has a much higher chance of being preyed upon by a sexual predator, she's hot, young, 115 lbs at 5'5", clean and brunette.
The UPB would scare them off before they got close enough to do anything, because of the nastiness of her, and the overall UPBness of her.
But that's beside the point, Nobody deserves to go through anything like that.
I'm still kinda pissed at Austin for this, but Im sure I'll get over it soon enough.
In Austin's defense, she does get sorta belligerent when she's that drunk, but I still would have followed her to make sure she was ok.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Our only windows into the past are closing fast enough to break the glass.

The world as it was during WWII is quickly falling off the face of the earth. Soon it will be too late to get first-hand experiences. Our grandfathers are all dying off. To live a life of honor in a time of heroes, and then have it pass away as you do, never to be remembered, a peice of history lost forever seems to be a crime worth punishing.
My grandfather was in WWII.
I have never really met my grandfather. I've spent time with him over the years, but I don't know him; and that seems a crime worth punishing as well.
as a writer and a human being, talking to people who have lived through things like this, who have had years to think about them and figure out what these experiences mean is a treasure trove of wisdom that can't be found anywhere else.
I have decided to write a book on his life. How a young boy growing up in Science Hill, the epitome of Small Town Kentucky, had his life changed when he went to war. How he felt as he was growing up, what where his goals before the war, and how did they change after. What things really matter to a man who has stared death in the face and come out dancing? What changed years later? What things didn't change?
I think this will be a major turning point in my life, and it will be good medicine for him as well.
Bill Sweeney, A Life Worth Living, by Cameron White.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Smoking in a Rainstorm

You ever get the feeling that something bad is about to happen?
I woke up late this morning to a phone call from Trey Sadler. Walking outside 30 minutes later, the sky was as forbidding as the frown your father gives you when you walk in after having snuck out at 2:00 in the morning. A random painter was walking through the parking lot acting like a nervous virgin undoing her shirt in a by-the-hour hotel room with one glass wall. He said something about hoping the rain doesn't run the paint, and then he was gone. As soon as I pulled out of the parking lot, the rain started. It was a cold rain that stank of foreboding.
Driving through downtown Lexington trying to smoke in a rainstorm, I realized the niccotene was chasing away the feelings of dread, but not completely.
I drove slowly through the flash floods, splitting my attention between the road and the leak in my sunroof from a wreck I had three years ago.
Once at work, the anxiety lingered. Maybe it has to do with my father.
"Dad, you doin' ok?"
"Yeah, son. Everythings fine here. Why?"
The next thing to pop into my mind was perhaps someone else I know. Alex? I haven't talked to him in a while...
Larkin? Mom? Austin?
I think of Trey's invite to his brother Bob's house later, and all I see are dirty yellow street lights, Bob's red-rimmed eyes, and a feeling I can't put words to, but it's darker than the night outside.
This feeling rotting my insides like bad chinese food isn't about Larkin or my mother.
Perhaps I'll just steer clear of Bob's house tonight, and keep it at that.

OVERCOMING MEDIOCRITY, by Judas Cypher, published by Evil Overlord Productions, with Minion Press and Henchman Harry Inc.

So I found out how lucrative a sci-fi novelist's career isn't.
You can get some pretty hefty advances from NORMAL FICTION, like $20,000, and even more for NON-FICTION, something like $30,000 for your first book, and I would imagine if it's specifically a self-help book, it could be more.
on down to sci-fi fantasy.
ten thousand dollars, max.
I'm not sure its fucking worth it, I mean I've spent somethign like 2 years all included for the current version of this book, and that would be worth $5,000 dollars a year.
BUT having done a by-word comparison, thats a hundred bucks a day if I write 6 pages... so not bad as a part-time job.
And of course I already knew that it wouldn't put bread on the table, and I still want to do it.
so there we have it, proof that being a sci-fi novelist is only for supplimental income.
I don't know though, I had thought about writing a self-help book, sitting back on the proceeds for a year, and writing a couple of other books. The greatest lure to writing a self-help book is for the sheer hilarity of putting in horrible things, kinda like a Project-Mayhem-Author.
101 ways to not get caught smoking weed.
put things in there that will definately get you caught, and some that are pretty good coverups.
then there's somehting like How To Get Rid of a Body, and watch the news to see how many people get caught trying to get rid of a body in a local park trashcan.
That's bad, i know it, but still... the people who buy self-help books are morons anyway.
Or how about a diet book of the likes of Pestilence in Good Omens. You don't need food, all you need is faith, or something like that, and see how many dumbass hollywood blondes actually buy the book and it's teachings.
When I become the Evil Overlord...
Now I'm not looking for widespread death or anything, but still, anything to trick the Acolytes of the Blind God into giving you their money and basically ass-fucking themselves to death with what they bought from you.
Can you tell I'm having a great day?

Monday, August 15, 2005

The Joys and Sorrows of Novel-writing...Well, Mostly the Joys.

By the way, A little Heads Up. November is National Novel Writing Month.
the goal is to get 50,000 words written in a month. Now, think about it, 200 pages in a months time, "50,000!!!" you say, "that's impossible!"
But its not. I didn't win last year, but that was because I started a new story on the first of november when I read about it, and had no thoughts as to where it would go. I ended with I think, 11,900 or something.
but if you have a story in mind, writing 50,000 words in a month is a great way to kickstart the process. In fact, Im going to be counting the words I edit in november as my Nanowrimo, which is kinda cheating, but not really. May is National Novel Editing Month, so don't worry about it being good.
"Now," you ask, "Why would I want to participate in some crackpot internet contest?"
I'll tell you. there were over 25,000 participants last year all browsing forums. forums where people ask silly questions that you can't find except through interview of a specific person, like What kind of shoes do mailmen wear? What is the airspeed velocity of a laden swallow? How often do flintlock pistols misfire? What is the Blast radius of a common frag grenade? What does the door open sound sound like in a bmw? What color are human entrails? what is the standard first step on an autopsy? What's the best kind of steel for a sword? how often do tightropes break?
stuff like that, and someone out there knows. someone out there, browsing the forums on
Look for it coming up in november, and, as a bonus, the forums are open all year round, with at least 20 people browsing the forums at any given time after November is over.
plus, if you donate, half the proceeds go to building libraries in empoverished countries.
So there. Write your damn thing, or at least go to the site and look around, you don't have to sign up to read, and its free if you do sign

"My mind is a swirling miasma of similating thoughts and turgid ideas."

Kate Beckinsale is in the running for the hottest woman of all time, alongside Jennifer Connely and Alessandra Ambriosa.
Katie Holmes is in there, but she's got a solid second place, though she may fall to fourth when the verdict comes in...
While Mila Jovovich has fifth place.
BUT.... they all have to worry about THIS GIRL---------->

A girl who used to work here came back in a few minutes ago, lookin' fine...
and here I haven't shaved since Wednesday.
Oh well, I still made her lose her train of thought by lookin' in her eyes and smilin'.
She's really cool, but she has a 2 yr old kid, and I'm sorry, people make mistakes, but that's one that I can't deal with.
I'm sure I speak for a lotta people(obviously not Thomas, but hey, props, bud) when I say this...
I like to say that if I met the perfect woman, and she had a child, then I would take the kid in. But I know that it's a lie.
I'ts simply what I want to hear myself say.
oh well.
I mean this girl used to drive my ass crazy, comin' in to work wearin a shirt that says BA-DUH! when we go to smoke and she leans over...
Nice to flirt, though, especially when both parties know it's harmless.

108 days till deadline
305 pages to edit
hey, that's only 3 pages a day, every day.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I Had Other Plans When Saturday Started

Regardless of that, I still had a great time.
I was supposed to go to a comedy club with Larkin at 10:30.
9:30 rolls around, and I think, 'oh shit, i need to take another shower.'
Needn't have worried. This girl has a habit of saying 'sure, let's do that' and then completely blowing me off.
SO instead I go down to Campus Pub and have a great time with some friends I hadn't seen in a while, got flirted with by several beautiful women, and got kissed by my Cousin-in-law's ex-girlfriend, who was completely BLASTED.
The kind of blasted you get when a two-year relationship ends.
So i find out that one of my friends is cousin to Ashley(the x gf), and that yes, in fact, they did just break up last week sometime.
I'm sitting there thinking, Larkin could have been having a great time with me, but instead she chose to do something else, though, historically, she's sat on her ass waiting for someone to call.
*throws his hands up in the air*
Then i start to think about how much fun we would have had had we gone to Comedy Off Broadway, and all I could think of was Larkin spending too much money on booze, and me having to carry her to the car because she passed out in the parking lot.
So this brings up other things.
A girl who comes to Pint Night all the time has been flirting with me, and I told her that Larkin and I were going on a date(four weeks ago, the first one). She asked what we were doing, and I told her Shakespear in the Park.
She looks at me and says, excitedly, If that doesn't work out with her you can take me on saturday.
So with last night's flirting(CIL's XGF notwithstanding), and the flirting that's been going on lately, I think, as Hoang Cong Doung Jr. (Wong Kong Dong[my former Vietnamese roommate. {No, seriously. We tell him jokingly that Long means Jr. in Vietnamese}]), would say, "My pimp status is rising."

Im thinkin about droppin this lush who can't commit even to a fucking date, though she kisses me just about every Wednesday at Pazzo's(now i call her a lush because on our first date she drank so much she passed out. Every time she comes to Pint Night she has to stumble out the door, and has started making no sense already, who as often as not, sits down in the hallway outside of Pazzo's for a while because she's too drunk to walk).
The only reason I've given her as many chances as I have is that I had a crush on her in high school, and she genuinely seems interested when I see her or talk to her on the phone.

Now, a bit of clarification.
first date, coolness. over the next week I can't get ahold of her, except on wednesday. The next weekend is her birthday, she is supposed to eat with her family on friday, and come out with me on saturday. Well her family says no at the last minute and takes her out on saturday instead of friday. She doesn't call anyone to do anything on friday, and complains that it was the most depressing birthday. Sigh. So her aunt and uncle from somewhere out there...beneath the pale moon light... come in. so they don't leave until like 11:00, and she calls me then, and we talk, she apologizes, etc. wednesday she kisses me, but says she has to pack this weekend so she can do something next weekend. so we don't plan any thing. Wednesday comes again and I kiss her. we make plans for saturday. friday I call her to make sure we're still on, and she says she may still be packing, moving out on monday and all.
and then we go back to the beginning of the post for what happend saturday.
so really, Its not like we've really had the easiest of times trying to get together, but we've at least tried.
I say this because I don't want someone thinking that Im holding on past signs that say she doesn't want to go out with me again.
Fuck. Writing this has gotten me back in the mood to do something with her. I mean, she's hot, and every time we're together outside of a large group of friends, she's engaging, talkative, funny, intelligent, HOT.
She has told me things at Pint Night on wednesday that make me smile, stuff that doesn't spring from telling someone what they want to hear.
Instance One: I was drawing on her leg at Pint Night, she moves to give me better leverage, and now Im looking up her skirt. I feel like a pervert, so i focus on her leg, and she says something to the effect of, hey, now you get to look up my skirt. then she shifts again and Im sitting between her legs, drawing on her upper thigh(it was a dragon that coiled around her leg from her foot to her skirt line), and she says, now your between my legs, I smile, not knowing what to say really, because Im drunk, I've had a crush on this girl for a long time, and im not used to girls hitting on me so openly, so she says, seeing my reaction, 'oh well, we'll have sex eventually.'
Instance Two: 'We would make a great couple.' I look at her, thinking, this is too good to be true, and she smiles, 'we're both ex druggies, both ex-cons, ex-christian youth group leaders' again, im kinda thinkin, what's this girl doing?
Instance Three: without me ever saying that I had a crush on her at the last youth retreat we went on, where we flirted like hell, but were too tightly wound in the guilt of bad baptist teachings that we figured we'd go to hell quicker than any handbasket has a right to go if we made out at this youth retreat, she tells me that she had a huge crush on me at this place.

So in conclusion, its not as if this is being pulled out of my ass, It just seems that the timing is a bit off, but that can be fixed here shortly, when she will live less than a five minute walk away from me, on the way to Pazzo's, wich is about a mile away from my new apt.

BTW sorry about the lack of flow this post has, Its been two days since i've written anything, and thus, most of these feelings are welling up from my subconscious, having been forgotten when there was no outlet to write them.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

When I become the Evil Overlord...

I had forgotten how much fun Characters can be. When you go back, and you decide that each one of these characters is as in-depth and developed as the main character, then you start to loose surrealness and jump more towards reality.
The reason I bring this up is because I just went back and read Chelsea's Character Sketch. It brought a smile to my face, and now I can work her better. She's a real person, not a flat cartoon.
Anywho, I've got a list of 34 characters to go back and make "back stories" for, and this should be a lot of fun...
But then again, It could be grueling.
I don't know, I think I need back stories and Sketches and all that accompaniment so that the characters stay who they are, and nobody ends up with a line out of the blue, and standing there wondering where the hell it came from, and if some higher power(me) is channeling through them.

There is something refreshing about being the god of your own universe.
Just as long as you don't let it get to your head.

Just so you know, when I become the Evil Overlord...
Idiots will be enemies of the state.

Hey, Im allowed to dream, right?

Friday, August 12, 2005

Gratuitous acts of senseless violence can't save me now.

I need about 75 more pages to hit the desired word count for HADRIAN: DARK ONE.
Working at 1000 words a day, (6 pages)five days a week, it should take me about three weeks.
this isn't going to happen.
However hope is not lost, I know what I'm doing with it.
Ok, shit. I just looked at the word count. I have 327 plus about 20, and the first 101 pages are edited to the Overhaul Editing Phase standards.
so 240 pages need be edited hardcore, which should spawn the extra 75 i need, but damn....
btw Matt, I think I gave you around 150 pages.
so shit, ive got some major work ahead of me if I plan to keep the December 1 deadline...
now to be fair to myself, I have done a decent amount of Overhaul Editing on the latter half of the story. Let me check the page number where i started...
214-237, and 265-327, wich leaves me with about 160 pages to do OE on, plus working in the OE changes to fit with the others... which also includes the segway from about pg 80-101.
Yeah, Im fucked for free time until December. See you guys then.

Plus, thanks to you Matt, I have at least another 20 pages to COMPLETELY REWRITE.
grrrr. :)
It's cool though, at least it'll fit in now, and whats another 20 when you're looking at 260?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I still have a job. ya see, Theo.

So shit sucks right now. My dad is having some real trouble finding another job being as he has no degree.
On another note, my job is less in danger now. I found a project to work on that could concievably take another couple of months.
I had been worried about the stability for the last couple of days. Last Wednesday the Overlord Boss calls me into the conference room out of the fucking blue.
I'm like Oh, shit.
he explains that there are two options at this point, due to the fact that the last time we had a conversation about doing things non-work related on the clock, nothing changed. I see wierd shit on your computer screen, and I don't think you're holding up your end of the bargain.
Well Im a bit dumbfounded by this, I have been doing everything that has been given to me.
So the two options are getting fired or dropping from $10/hr to $7/hr. so naturally i take the pay cut, given these two options....
but Its buggin me. I have been holding up my end of the bargain.
So i talk to him on thursday, and he realizes on friday that there has been a misunderstanding, and gives me back my $10/hr, saying that if in fact, there isn't enough shit for you to do, we may cut your hours.
Now, today, on thursday, i found a project.
*wipes sweat off his brow*

By the Power of Greyskull, A Date Has Been Set!

If I don't have HADRIAN finished(story wise) by December 1, I'm going to give up as a writer.
There is absolutely no excuse for this story taking as long as it has, and I'm tired of pussy footing around. December is good, because that gives me until around June to get the editing done and write out a timeline for the six years of warfare you don't see in the books.
I need a timeline, because the next two books, RITES OF BLOOD and (tentatively) IF IT BLEEDS... are going to have flashbacks to the war.
The war is not going to be over by any stretch of the imagination, in fact, the beginning of Rites of Blood is the Clansmen attack of Earth, but there is no need to write that stuff chronologically.
Now obviously the 'giving up as a writer' bit is a lie... but this is serious. For the current version of the novel it has taken me about two years to get here, as a whole, the story has been circulating in various forms for about seven years.
I specifically say December 1, because NaNoWriMo(National Novel Writing Month) is November. This gives me the Month of December(caps apparent) for writing and setting up everything that i want to happen in the Second Clan Invasion that is not directly seen in chronological order in RITES OF BLOOD.
I'm also thinking of changing the title of the first one from HADRIAN, to HADRIAN: DARK ONE, which is what the name Hadrian means.
from here on out I'm giving myself 2 years per book, unless the Publisher decides I get less time.
one year to write it, 6 months to rewrite it in Overhaul Editing Mode, and 6 moths for Final Editing Mode.


Too... much... beer... last night...
Titanium drill bits grinding away at my temples...

There is, inandof itself, a sort of attraction in uncertainty.
But more importantly, the Wondering and Waiting are like to drive me mad.

In the little moments of intimacy, foreheads touching and smiles abounding, I feel wrapped in a 'warm fuzzy' feeling...
AHHH! I'm gonna shoot myself for using that, but hey, this is stream of consciousness anyway...

This feeling is a deep reddish color if you will, that starts in my chest and works it's way around my body, leaving things feeling revitalized and alive, and filled with a kind of tentative acceptance. It's a kind of charm that not a lot of people have, fewer know they have, and those very few who do know are extremely dangerous.
This girl, she does this thing far better than anyone else I have met, and having gone to Pagan Firtility Festivals, that says a lot.

She is a woman, she doesn't know what she wants.
count the redundancies in that sentence...

I don't know what I'm going to do about her.
The times I've kissed her have been times involving lots of alcohol, but last night was the first time I think I was more drunk than she was.
she's got real issues on people caring about her. I guess she has so many 'friends' who don't care about her that she can't accept that someone does care.
She told me last night, when I asked if we're still on for Comedy Off Broadway, she said, "I guess we'll see."
I think it really shook her up, or pissed her off, or something last night, when I tried to make sure she got in her friend's car. It's been kind of a test, I suspect, will you leave me alone out here even if I push you away? Though I just don't want to deal with her pushing me away like this. Maybe its some sort of hardcore weeding process, but I don't really know.
If this is something weird like a test, I hope its over soon.

she seriously flip flops on a whim. One moment she's slobbering on my face and bringing up things to do sometime, the next she's leaning on me as I walk her to her ride, then she's pushing me and telling me to go away.
Hindsight will prove, as allways, to be 20/20.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Progress Rises from Ashes

So here I am, the first real blog I've ever done, but whatthehell, eh?
As far as Progress Rising... My novel, tentatively entitled HADRIAN, is about seventeen pages closer to finished than it has been for the last month and a half.
Oh well, another 200 pages to edit, and another 100-150 to get it to the target 450...
I can't really tell you why I haven't been writing, except that I haven't.

Nanowrimo is a wonderful resource for writers. The forums stay open all year, and there are hardcore writers who love this kind of thing and stick aroung on the forums. There is DGallandro, who is our resident expert on firearms and Aggie80 who is the resident Military expert.

Using a friend's character, even for a short period of time(50 pages, max) is almost too much of a hassle when said Character's creator neglects to send me a sketch, so I have to keep bugging him with questions.

Send me the Sketch, Matt.

Anywho, It's Pint Night, and Time for Beer.
...If only I had an expense account, I could write it off as Character Research, 'cause you meet all kinds of strange and interesting Ch(icks)aracters at bars.