Callsigns and the things they sprout from

I have decided that Hadri's Callsign is no longer Slipstream. It just doesn't have a ring to it, and most callsigns are things you wish people would forget about.
He was originally tagged Slipstream because of a maneuver he pulled on the best pilot in the galaxy, but then it changed to him getting "shot down" three times by the same person for the same maneuver.
Now, however, It's much better.
The Colonel has a black and white cat named Princess that hangs around the Quasar hanger all the time. Only three or so people, including the Colonel, like the cat.
Princess will bite you if you pet her too long, will hiss at you if you try to get her off a crate or part you need, all kinds of things that cats do that is bitchy.
Now one day, Hadri is coming in from a run, sees a flash of white out of the corner of his eye just as he's a foot off the ground. He gets out of the cockpit to see the crew chief and his people all standing around with various expressions: mirth, sickliness, awe.
Hadri follows their eyes to see the front half of the Colonel's cat sticking out from under his forward landing strut.
Hilarity ensues.
they try to replace the cat, which of course, doesn't work. The Colonel isn't as upset about it as everyone thought he would be, so there is now a much better 'Hangar cat' who's name is Theodore Henry Earl Cat.
T.H.E cat, or Foxtrot, or something like that.
Anywho, Hadri walks up to his fighter and notices a small black and white blotch on his fuselage, that resolves to be his first kill marker, the cat, and stenciled below the cockpit is LT Hadrian "Princess" Malan.
This will prove to be hilarious through the rest of the story.
PS the pic is desktop resolution if anybody wants it. It's the Rites of Blood Cover, but without words. THe reason i put it up is because it's the best pic of the fighters i have. (photoshop, Autodesk Inventor).
And yes, that is the Quasar symbol behind the fighters, except that it is white in the middle, sky blue around the edges and black in between. (the second novel is bloody as hell, so the red color shift works really well, methinks.
Out of idle curiosity, who is ASolaF??
A song of Ice and Fire, George R R Martin
THe best damn fantasy series out there. Game of thrones and such...
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