Sunday, August 28, 2005

I don't know

It seems as if something is happening right now. unseen forces are culminating, and the pull of that energy is what i am aware of.
Then comes myself.
What is this pull of energy?
what does it feel like......forboding? anxiety? does it have to do with anything in my life right now, or is it something that affects me indirectly?
All guys have anxiety, but people with empathy and a bit of psychic ability tend to have it more.
On another front, energy manipulation is something I've been doing as long as I can remember, so I know what it feels like when its being manipulated.
SO here's the kicker...
is this feeling me merely worrying about things that are out of my hands, or is it something that I need to take care of?
This is the same kind of feeling I get when i haven't done my homework, and it's due in six hours.
Did she try to make time for me this weekend, and I figuratively threw it in her face?
I believe that I do things subconsiously all the time. I think leaving my phone was one of these things, because I NEVER leave my phone at work. I always leave my flash drive, but hey, that wouldn't have been a problem. I specifically grabbed the flash drive and busted out before i checked for my phone. I didn't realize it was gone until I was already at the apartment, thus too late.
All this worrying and axiety could be for nothing you know. I could be worrying about something that she completely forgot about. she could be sitting there drinking or doing something and not remember that I was supposed to call until tuesday. I don't know.
I don't know...


and now I bow to Jas. Hook, when i wonder if all this wondering is Bad Form, and if this is, in fact, the worst kind of Form.
On the other hand, Im going to bed.


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