Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dregs of Humanity

I can't stand people who list off the actions they hate in other people, but don't stop and think that perhaps they do the same things. I guess it's the unbridled self-righteousness of it all.

The people that do this really have no place to mention what they hate about others, because they fall in the category "Dregs of Humanity," and would be better suited to spend their time worrying about the horrible things they do rather than running away.

It's like a serial killer complaining about someone who commits manslaughter, a serial rapist complaining that someone raped his daughter.

I know my shortcomings. Some of which I truly have a passion to correct, others I like to sweep under the carpet and hope nobody notices.
Regardless, I try to be a good person, I try to do the right thing, and I try not to use people. Nobody's perfect, but some at least try to be.


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