Girl Vs Girl

Starbuck is the best pilot in the colonial fleet BEFORE the cylons attack. This is never stated, but we know it to be true. She's a fighter as well. Sara falls into this comparison rather nicely. She's not a starfighter pilot, but she does like to race and knows how to drive almost at Rogue squadron capability. I wouldn't hesitate to put her at the commander of Wraith squadron, with a few Rogue maneuvers under her belt. She's also a bit angry at the world, but that's healthy, or at least it fuels her, and that's greatness. finding out the back stories of the characters, I would have to say that Sara has similar plot points, but not exactly, or necessarily the same types, but similar.
Larkin is Boomer. Boomer is absolutely hot, and has the added ability to charm whoever she wants. She's not a great pilot, but she's not horrible either. She is a victim of her upbringing, inasmuch as the 'people' who 'raised' her were not that great. (ok, they killed billions of innocent people). Now, Larkin isn't a Cylon(at least I hope not) but she does possess the charm one picks up from Boomer in the series. Larkin's parents were uber-Christian closed-minded people who threatened her every deviance with a Lake of Fire. She has rebelled against that, just as the On-Caprica-with-Helo Boomer has.
Now you see my fucking dilemma. Larkin is hotter, I do have to say that, but Sara is cooler, and gets into more trouble that doesn't deal with drinking yourself into oblivion. Sara has a more subtle charm, that sneaks in and plants itself there for you to find later and by the time you do find it, the roots have taken hold...
and you're fucked.
Larkin, on the other hand just drenches you with charm, lets you dry, then dunks you in a pool of it...
and you're fucked.
they're both fucked in the head, but I can't say that I'm the sanest person in the world either...
So in conclusion... Cylons get you with hotness and Pilots get you with awesomeness.
I'm gonna explode. That's all there is to it. With a hand in two different moving cookie jars, im gonna be ripped in half.
hottness comes and goes my friend. and no matter what, you'll always wonder in the back of your head if boomer is really just faking the whole thing. starbuck is harsher and more resilient, but she posesses those qualities that will make a great relationship, if you can ever really get to her. for me, the choice would be simple, but then again i don't really know either of these women personally, just their BSG counterparts.
GO WITH BOOMER...she is better
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